Hate of the Date
10:49 Posted In emo , memories , modelling , past , photography , self pity Edit This 0 Comments »
Bloody hate the 30th of September! It and New Years Day are my least favourite days of the year, reminders of one of the most horrid and traumatic times in my life. Sure you're probably thinking "Yeah did you break a nail or somefink" no it wasn't like that I am not going to lay all my cards on the table but just take my word for it when I say it was crap. It is worse this year too. One good thing being celebrated today is the anniversary of my ickle cousin Jenny and her boyfriend LeeLee I think only half of that is his real name.
I recently did a nude shoot outdoors and if I am honest I wasn't too keen on the images, I don't like I look comfortable, I dislike my naked body and it just didn't do it for me personally. This was the best shot of the lot, I actually look confident I would be inclined to go so far as to say sexy.
I am also waiting on some images from other shoots, I did do a shoot with Russ and Paul again yesterday, took my friend Nick Muprhy along with me, we had laughs! :)
I recently did a nude shoot outdoors and if I am honest I wasn't too keen on the images, I don't like I look comfortable, I dislike my naked body and it just didn't do it for me personally. This was the best shot of the lot, I actually look confident I would be inclined to go so far as to say sexy.

Off to have some alone time and wallow in some self pity, get a bit on the emo side and hopefully wake up tomorrow fresh as daisy ready for a fresh start in a fresh month. I have too much to be happy about and too much to look forward to, I can let a bunch of memories drag me down!