First Gig in 5 years!
04:50 Posted In ablegrable , alan windram , gig , motherhood , music Edit This 2 Comments »
I used to love music it was a massive part of my life for a long time, I enjoyed singing and making music with like minded people but I guess my priorities in life changed when I had Laurence. Everything shifted.
The last gig I went to was Electric Six in December 2004? Or something ridiculous. I did go to see a friend's band called Won Mississippi earlier in the year but people you know don't really count.
I went to a gig last night a bloke called Alan Windram, I am a massive fan of this chap, I can't even really explain why his voice just makes my tummy tingle and I love his songs, sort of soft and very easy to listen to.
I sort of stumbled upon him too which makes it even better. I remember back just after I got married I was typing random words into Itunes and it came up with his band Splendid. I clicked on Buy this album entirely by mistake. I was annoyed with myself at the time actually but the songs kept appearing on shuffle and every time they did I liked 'em. I then purchased their other album.
When I was pregnant, the time I become an emotional idiot! I used to lie in the bath with my wriggly bump listening to Splendid and bawling my eyes out. I have listened to albums to a point now that they remind me of significant times in my life. Alan recently released his solo album which I love just as much as the Splendid ones.
I felt like a bit of a noob but asked to have my picture taken with him! Also! I'd like to add I only found out about 8 months ago he was from the Borders it was total coincidence. I figured he was from the big smoke and I'd never get to see him live. He had a little super cute guitarist called Rory Butler! I reckon he will get famous. Just a feeling in my bones.

I wore my gorgeous Able Grable Scarlet Street Blouse an absolute comfy divine delight! Didn't manage to get any decent pics of rocking it though. I will do when I get something decent for my bottom half. :)
The last gig I went to was Electric Six in December 2004? Or something ridiculous. I did go to see a friend's band called Won Mississippi earlier in the year but people you know don't really count.
I went to a gig last night a bloke called Alan Windram, I am a massive fan of this chap, I can't even really explain why his voice just makes my tummy tingle and I love his songs, sort of soft and very easy to listen to.
I sort of stumbled upon him too which makes it even better. I remember back just after I got married I was typing random words into Itunes and it came up with his band Splendid. I clicked on Buy this album entirely by mistake. I was annoyed with myself at the time actually but the songs kept appearing on shuffle and every time they did I liked 'em. I then purchased their other album.
When I was pregnant, the time I become an emotional idiot! I used to lie in the bath with my wriggly bump listening to Splendid and bawling my eyes out. I have listened to albums to a point now that they remind me of significant times in my life. Alan recently released his solo album which I love just as much as the Splendid ones.
I felt like a bit of a noob but asked to have my picture taken with him! Also! I'd like to add I only found out about 8 months ago he was from the Borders it was total coincidence. I figured he was from the big smoke and I'd never get to see him live. He had a little super cute guitarist called Rory Butler! I reckon he will get famous. Just a feeling in my bones.
I wore my gorgeous Able Grable Scarlet Street Blouse an absolute comfy divine delight! Didn't manage to get any decent pics of rocking it though. I will do when I get something decent for my bottom half. :)
Hi Dee,
I too stumbled across your blogspot and feel humbled that the music i have written over the 'Splendid' days and more recently has prompted you to write about it. writing songs is often a very solitary passtime and i often wonder what other people will make of them, and more often than not you never know, people buy albums but it often ends there. so thank you so much for letting me know a bit of how the music has affected you. great to meet you on Sat. all the best
Thanks for your lovely comment on my blog regarding my blouse that I won! It looks a delight on you too! x
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