Not So Loyal Subject
10:31 Posted In art , burlesque , drawing , photography Edit This 0 Comments »
Hmm that blog title might be a bit too clever! But I'll roll with it.
I am performing at Dixie's Dollhouse on Thursday the 28th, it should be cool. Wonder if it will give me the high it did last time. Looking forward to meeting a few new people from Twitter & Facebook who say they are coming along.
So a few weeks ago I modelled for a life drawing class at Sunderland University, such a weird experience, I am glad I did it though and I would love to be able to do it again sometime. Strange sensation having a bunch of people looking at you when you can't really see what they are doing or what they make of you. I would have continued if it hadn't been 3 hours travelling for 3 hours of sitting still it was just a lot might see if I can do it in Newcastle, but Sunderland wasn't feasible. Also I don't like going to Sunderland anymore it makes me feel a bit sad. I remember how excited I used to feel going to see my boyfriend every stop just feeling the anticipation and it's not there now and the train journey's to Lincolnshire aren't as stress free as a metro trip.
Nothing much on apart from that Halloween at the weekend, I will be spending it will my children making a mess and being creepy, so pretty much like we are all year round.
If anyone fancies emailing me some hugs at this time they would be gratefully received!
I am performing at Dixie's Dollhouse on Thursday the 28th, it should be cool. Wonder if it will give me the high it did last time. Looking forward to meeting a few new people from Twitter & Facebook who say they are coming along.

Nothing much on apart from that Halloween at the weekend, I will be spending it will my children making a mess and being creepy, so pretty much like we are all year round.
If anyone fancies emailing me some hugs at this time they would be gratefully received!
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