Bend Me, Shape Me, Anyway You Want Me...
14:15 Posted In body image , love , modeling , photography , relationship , weight Edit This 0 Comments »
So I know I have shared some images from a shoot I did last month with a photographer in Sunderland, I am not going to name him now or anything. I signed a model release form basically saying he could do anything he wanted with the images, post them anywhere, they were his yadda yadda, yadda.
I received the first to images from him the one I posted in my last blog, they were pretty nice, obviously he'd done a bit of work on me which is cool, I don't have particularly good skin and one of the images was meant to be a homage to Elvgren.
I have also received other images such as this one which I really like.
I am a size 10/12 lady, I am comfortable with that, I have grown to accept most of my body for what it is I am reasonably confident and pretty happy. I have a man who loves me and I don't even think it is my appearance he is particularly attracted to anyway. I was very disappointed to receive the image below. I don't look like me, I look about 3 stone lighter and apart from that I look sort of hideous. I was a smidge on the offended side, it's not like I said "Oi mate I carry a bit of weight on my arms could you make me a bit slimmer" he made the decision to lob the weight off me. I don't look like me, I barely look human, it looks like a genetic mistake. I will also add the guy was lovely and I was at ease shooting with him, it's not like the shoot wasn't a pleasant experience because when I was there it was great, productive and comfortable.
I know I previously said I like working with my boyfriend because he captures the essence of Dani, I can't expect all photographers to do this but what I can expect is for them to leave a bit of me in there or what is the point. I can't use this image it's useless to me, all I can do is stipulate in the future that I don't want to be turned into some lollipop head.
Got back from Nick's today not going to see him for over two weeks now, which is uber sucky, we'll deal though we always do. We seem to spend our lives arranging to visit each other, or talking about/ complaining about public transport. Here's me and Nick at a train station, I kinda feel that this era of our relationship will have a nickname in the future. I am trying really hard not to think that far ahead. but it's hard when all you see is essentially fog. Oh well Amor Vincit Omnia! I know it will all come good in the end, with my iguana, red kitchen and Baltic inspired floor.

I received the first to images from him the one I posted in my last blog, they were pretty nice, obviously he'd done a bit of work on me which is cool, I don't have particularly good skin and one of the images was meant to be a homage to Elvgren.
I have also received other images such as this one which I really like.

Got back from Nick's today not going to see him for over two weeks now, which is uber sucky, we'll deal though we always do. We seem to spend our lives arranging to visit each other, or talking about/ complaining about public transport. Here's me and Nick at a train station, I kinda feel that this era of our relationship will have a nickname in the future. I am trying really hard not to think that far ahead. but it's hard when all you see is essentially fog. Oh well Amor Vincit Omnia! I know it will all come good in the end, with my iguana, red kitchen and Baltic inspired floor.

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