Day Two..
06:19 Edit This 0 Comments »
of taking the pill. Day 3 is normally the day I decide to forget because yes I am that useless. The chances of me falling pregnant are pretty much zero anyway.
Nowt much on. My son has to go to the Doctor tomorrow because he has failed his hearing test twice. He probably just wasn't listening, he is easily distracted.
I am leaving the kids overnight for the first time ever on Thursday, I'm really nervous about it actually but I am so tired and drained, I could just do with some space. I shouldn't still be feeding Violet anyway she is going to have to deal just for one night. I need some cuddles and sympathy from my Ellen.
Getting my stuff together for my birthday Pin Up Pirate shoot with Mr James Thorpe I am SOOO excited. Also me and Ellz are getting foxed up as Magenta and Columbia from Rocky Horror. Not quite sure how I am going to do Columbia hair but I'll work it out somehow, I just found the most perfect underwear!
Had another shoot with the talented and handsome Nicholas Gray and I looked like a badass.

Nowt much on. My son has to go to the Doctor tomorrow because he has failed his hearing test twice. He probably just wasn't listening, he is easily distracted.
I am leaving the kids overnight for the first time ever on Thursday, I'm really nervous about it actually but I am so tired and drained, I could just do with some space. I shouldn't still be feeding Violet anyway she is going to have to deal just for one night. I need some cuddles and sympathy from my Ellen.
Getting my stuff together for my birthday Pin Up Pirate shoot with Mr James Thorpe I am SOOO excited. Also me and Ellz are getting foxed up as Magenta and Columbia from Rocky Horror. Not quite sure how I am going to do Columbia hair but I'll work it out somehow, I just found the most perfect underwear!
Had another shoot with the talented and handsome Nicholas Gray and I looked like a badass.

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