One Blustery Day....
08:17 Posted In church , latex , modeling , northumberland , photography Edit This 0 Comments »A couple of weeks ago I did a brief and blustery shoot with lovely chap and talented photographer Richard Hanley. His work is amazing and I highly recommend that you check him out. Another bonus about shooting with Richard is that we live in the same village in south Northumberland which made this shoot particularly easy for me.
I live literally in the middle of no-where and public transport is rubbish to say the least, it's so out of the way of Newcastle I don't really like to ask for lifts either so it's nice to work with someone who lives just around the corner, and can pick me up and drop me off without me needing to feel guilty.

Again it was a shoot where I didn't really have anything in mind for the shoot, I took a pink latex dress which I had on loan from Catalyst but other than that I wasn't too bothered.

We drove about a mile and a half from the house to an interesting church, with a graveyard and quite a nice view so that was where we decided to shoot.
The weather was overcast and very windy so equipment was a concern and costume changes were cold but I am really pleased with the results also got a good winter coat shot of me which I've been after for a while.

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