College Time With Corban
14:35 Posted In modelling , newcastle , photography , studio Edit This 0 Comments »Few weeks ago I got to shoot with fabulous Mr Corban again, he's a top bloke, I wasn't on top form for this shoot however, I felt quite poorly and my wisdom tooth had been giving me jip for ages. It was quite nice and laid back though we had the college studio space to ourselves and there were very few people milling around. Gary Barrett hung about for a bit of craic though, which was nice and I'd worked with him a week or so earlier.
I didn't really know what I wanted, I was all bloaty and pre menstrual so I didn't feel to hot actually, I felt like I looked preggers. I did however have some cute panties from a company called Bunny Jump who deffo deserve some facebook likes, I also have a pair of Portal pants from them which I haven't had a chance to wear yet.

I also have this Doctor Who Tardis t-shirt from Threadless which I constantly go on about in my Hide Your Arms blogs, I already got a pic of it in a shoot with my Nicholas, but I enjoyed switching it up and wearing it with a mannequin in a pig mask with Sam Corban. Sadly you can totally see my bra.

My fave images of the day were probably some ones which make me look a little bit like a prostitute but who doesn't love a bit of red and latex.

Get to shoot with Sam again next weekend and I might get to assist him sometime in the week, I always look forward to having a laugh and bouncing about. He also sings and dances which is pretty much look for in a photographer!
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