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Got to shoot with some lovely photographers at a shoot I arranged towards the back end of last month. Amazing film photography fanatic Jonathan Keys, all round funny man Sam Corban, stunning lovely lady Meg Franklin of Spellbound Imagery and my boyfriend Nicholas Gray.

We booked a four hour slot, three other models came too (Rosa La Rouge, Bronagh Todd and Princess Pandora). For the most part the mood was fun and upbeat and most people got to work with most people, and I'd like to think it was beneficial for everyone's portfolios.

This is probably my favourite image of the day, from Sam Corban, he was mostly there for the craic rather than to get images, he was very much doing a behind the scenes kind of deal but I am really happy that he got this shot of me, it's probably one of my favourite images from 2011.

I ended up shooting with Jonathan quite a bit too, sadly his film had got all soaked so he ended up shooting a lot of digital which isn't his fave. I like my moody facial expression in this shot it kinda looks like I am saying 'What of it???'.

Meg I have only really shot with once before. Me and Nick popped down to play around with her home studio but we didn't really do many pictures. They had an retro mic at Bananastudio so I decided to give it a bosh, I sang for about 5 seconds before I started to blush.

Lastly, shooting with Nick is always easy, we just bounce of each other. BAM! Got the shot what next. One of the best things of having a boyfriend as a photographer is the honesty, he can tell me if things are unflattering and tell me which way to move to make it better. However Nick wanted to take some corporate style images, I don't believable I look like the slutty bitch of the office. At least I tried.