Sugarlesque and Spice and all things Nice! :)
03:02 Posted In burlesque , lingerie , photography , repro vintage Edit This 0 Comments »
So that group shoot that I did in January I wore some beautiful items from Sugarlesque! I got a couple of body suits from the lovely Ruka and I absolutely adore them I am trying to find a way to work them into a burlesque act somehow.
If you're down London way you should visit her brand spanking new boutique, if like me, you are uber north just have a look on the website!
Quite enjoy the pink against my blue hair! I have to admit I have gone purple now, I am trying to keep doing the pin up and vintagey stuff, trying to brand myself as Alt-Vintage! I have three shoots and a burly night to perform so I am probably gonna have a mega end of March catch up!

My next performance is for my stunning homegirls at The Shadow Gallery, I think I am going to do my Curse of Katy Perry act once more and I'm not sure about which other act I am gonna do, might see what mood I am in on the week! :D
If you're down London way you should visit her brand spanking new boutique, if like me, you are uber north just have a look on the website!
Quite enjoy the pink against my blue hair! I have to admit I have gone purple now, I am trying to keep doing the pin up and vintagey stuff, trying to brand myself as Alt-Vintage! I have three shoots and a burly night to perform so I am probably gonna have a mega end of March catch up!

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