Every Day is a School Day
05:00 Posted In modeling , photography , relationship , timewaster Edit This 0 Comments »
Every now and again I end up doing a shoot that is an absolute waste of time, I did one of these a couple of weeks ago with a photographer I met on Purestorm. I had loads of luggage and we didn't get to shoot long but I am kinda pleased about it, the guy rolled up with ancient equipment and at one point I even had to hold the reflector. Was really really bad craic.
I can't use any of the images, I will make myself look rubbish by posting a couple on my blog though. In most of the pics I have a 'What the hell are you doing?' expression on, it's not amongst my best modelling it has to be said.
Also waiting for images from a photographer from Darlington from a shoot in January, if he doesn't remove his finger from his rectum I am going to edit my feedback and give him some that reflects what a lazy liar he is.

It's my birthday next week, I shall be the ripe old age of 25, this year has to be better than last year. Still all heartbroken just a different kind. Anyway if y'all want to have a birthday bevvy with me I'd love to see you at Dixie's Dollhouse on the 17th. Not got much planned for my actual birthday, get to wake up with my fella, then I'm coming home to make a birthday tea for me and my babies and watch a movie together. Naturally we will be doing the whole melting chocolate, dipping a marshmallow in and sitting a smartie on top, it's the best bit :)
I can't use any of the images, I will make myself look rubbish by posting a couple on my blog though. In most of the pics I have a 'What the hell are you doing?' expression on, it's not amongst my best modelling it has to be said.
Also waiting for images from a photographer from Darlington from a shoot in January, if he doesn't remove his finger from his rectum I am going to edit my feedback and give him some that reflects what a lazy liar he is.

Dying my hair again tonight/tomorrow doing a shoot with my Nicholas on Monday weather permitting, hope it works out because I get quite excited about it more than I do about working with other people, probably because I know that we can be 100% honest with each other. We lack tact in general but there is zero when we're together. I never have to censor myself when I'm with Nick.
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