Rough as Get Oot....
02:20 Posted In ablegrable , acne , modelling , photography Edit This 3 Comments »
as my mother would say!
Last weekend (Fri the 20th of November) I went out with my friend with the intention of being a lady and remaining sober surprisingly after drinking a bottle of wine, two cocktails followed by another glass of wine I got a little bit rat arsed. However I wear a super cute little outfit my Able Grable Floral Scarlet Street blouse with some HeyDay high waisted trousers and got plenty of compliments from both ladies and gents.

Last weekend (Fri the 20th of November) I went out with my friend with the intention of being a lady and remaining sober surprisingly after drinking a bottle of wine, two cocktails followed by another glass of wine I got a little bit rat arsed. However I wear a super cute little outfit my Able Grable Floral Scarlet Street blouse with some HeyDay high waisted trousers and got plenty of compliments from both ladies and gents.
Since being fragile from the alcohol I have been nursing something between a cold and a flu, and we had visitors, on top of which I have had an assignment to do (which I have just sent away this morning, so I am treating myself to a week off).
I got my full high res disc from Sarah Chappell and the pics are awesome! This one is probably my favourite but my skin is such a let down, I have been on this anti biotic stuff for about 9 months now and my skin is still awful I have a face full of craters now and I feel disgusting. I have been given the chance of a shoot on Wednesday but I don't know whether I can do it because of my acne, unless I can strategically place my hands and hair, because she wants to do head shots.
I got my full high res disc from Sarah Chappell and the pics are awesome! This one is probably my favourite but my skin is such a let down, I have been on this anti biotic stuff for about 9 months now and my skin is still awful I have a face full of craters now and I feel disgusting. I have been given the chance of a shoot on Wednesday but I don't know whether I can do it because of my acne, unless I can strategically place my hands and hair, because she wants to do head shots.

double wear foundation will cover it all up
if you can get out to get a colour match for Wednesday xx
I live 60 miles from any high end make up counter. Might have time to go just before, bet Newcastle will be heaving!
I think you look divine in your able grable blouse!!
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