Getting Physical in Leeds and Durham

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I haven't been blogging about my burlesque much, I find the modeling easier to talk about.

On the 1st of May, the day after the vintage fair I went to, I performed in Leeds, I did my 'Physical' act and my Rocky Horror act. Met some interesting people, had some funky stalls there too. Venue was quite big and interesting. Lovely lass called Penny Sweets had her burlesque debut and she was absolutely amazing, she did two acts and you couldn't tell she was nervous at all. Pretty good craic behind stage too, and the audience were awesome.

I really enjoy doing my Physical act, my costume looks a bit crap in comparison to the other lasses behind stage but it serves a purpose and I think it's more upbeat than a lot of classical acts. Not to everyone's taste but I enjoy getting up on stage and spanking the place. I shall be performing it at the next Gully's and Casa Bellini then I will give it a rest until it's requested again.

I then performed at the Durham Shadow Gallery last month too, it was a quiet gig, good atmosphere though, just a shame that the dressing rooms are directly behind stage and you don't get to see the other performances. My homegirl Daisy Stays was the highlight of that evening in my opinion, I also wore one of her creations for my 'Cosmic Girl' balloon pop.

Shepy also too this pretty cool of me doing 'Physical' I was worrying that the blonde would look rubbish on stage but I think this is one of my favourite performance images of me

I did my first sing and fling on Friday looking forward to seeing the images, my brown dress for this act didn't arrive so I didn't really get to do it proper, it was a good learning experience though, and hopefully I will get to do it again at a charity show I am doing in Darlington. Also did a quality latex shoot with Mr Shepherd too!

If You Go Down To The Leadworks Today....

01:25 Posted In , , , , Edit This 0 Comments »
So couple of months ago, when I still had my beautiful purple mane, I did a shoot with Chris Harrison, I had been wanting to shoot with him for almost two years and it was nice to finally get the chance. It was a very very hot and the sun was super bright!

He also brought with him lovely guy and inspirational photographer Anthony Dorman who's work I adore.

We just mooched around the city centre, just kinda trying to find appropriate places for the clothing I'd brought. There is a massive sculpture made out of shopping trolleys that I had wanted to use but sadly it was just too sunny and we couldn't find an angle that worked. In the end we shot in a tunnel by the train station where I was getting evils from taxi drivers.

We also headed down at the old leadworks. It's kinda creepy down there, there is a homeless guy that lives there and there was quite a lot of poo, pigeons and abandoned items of clothing. It had quite a sinister feel but it was a lovely place to shoot and totally worked for my gear.

Here are my favourite 3 images from the shoot

On a completely different note I have just got a new blogging gig at massive T-shirt blog 'Hide Your Arms' blogging my favourite t-shirt company. Threadless, bi-weekly. I have only done two blogs but I am totally loving it! This is my last blog for them looking forward to doing another one later on today. Me and the boyfriend got a t-shirt the same from the website and we're gonna try and take a pic tomorrow.

The Fesitval of Vintage

12:42 Posted In , , , Edit This 1 Comment »
So at the back end of April I went to 'The Festival of Vintage' York Racecourse, probably the largest vintage fair I have been too, lovely venue, lovely atmosphere, just had a lovely few hours sauntering around fingering stuff I couldn't afford, imagining myself in all the stunning frocks and damning myself to Lucifer for not being a 26" waist. I was officially there assisting my partner Nicholas as he documented the event. He got some fab images which you can view on his Flickr page and some are to be featured in Vintage Life magazine which you can subscribe to! :)

I set myself a budget, like you have to do with these things or you go on a mental vintage binge and can't actually afford to eat at the end of the month and that's no good for anyone. I am totally into my bright colours, but essentially I need something that fits well and I am likely to wear regularly or shoot in and resell. I am so glad I tried everything on at this event, the ladies in the loos were sweethearts, everyone zipping each other up and keen to give their opinions. It's just nice to see women, all shapes and sizes celebrating vintage finds and looking stunning together.

I purchases three frocks, one of which was £6, one of which I have worn 5 times already! I have had photos taken in all of them, all taken by my fella.

This first image was taken on the 1st of May where I performed in Leeds, so not an official photo shoot image but it has a distinct movie still feel to it. I think this frock is handmade 50's dress or that's what it was sold to me as.

Couple of weeks ago me and Nick did a photo shoot around his, the first image was taken in his bathroom, his Mum just decorated and it just totally worked. The second image was taken in a field 10 minutes from Nick's house.

Just been hunting for the next vintage fair locally, there is one in York on Sunday but I am unable to attend, I did however find some cracking shops in Durham when I was there recently, hopefully I will be revisiting them soon with some gal pals. My main joy in vintage hunting is finding something original, one of main issues with living in Berwick-upon-Tweed was that there was a bunch of NewLook/DorothyPerkins clones because they were the only shops women had access to. Made going out very dull. Probably also the slight smugness you can get when someone says 'Ooh where did you get that from?' and you can basically reply 'Well you can't get one because....' :)