05:38 Posted In corset , lingerie , modeling , photography Edit This 0 Comments »
Well obviously not really! I did a lot of shoots last week and I just going to blog them one by one to give them the time they deserve.
I normally use Purestorm and Model Mayhem to arrange my shoots, if you're looks to start modeling this is a good place to start. I have had quite a lot of people asking lately. You can also find some photographers on Facebook too. Beware of perverts with cameras though because there are a fair few of them.
I had a shoot about two weeks ago with Russ and Paul, two fab guys who made me laugh, it was quite a weird set up having two photographers and one model. I have been to shoots where there have been two models and one photographer but this was completely different, bouncing ideas of each other and taking turns. It was good though and I am delighted with some of the images.
I normally use Purestorm and Model Mayhem to arrange my shoots, if you're looks to start modeling this is a good place to start. I have had quite a lot of people asking lately. You can also find some photographers on Facebook too. Beware of perverts with cameras though because there are a fair few of them.

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