Able Grable Scarlet Street Blouse
23:23 Posted In ablegrable , modeling , photography , pin-up , vintage Edit This 1 Comment »
I go through phases where I find an item I like and have it in lost of different colours. My favourite item of this type is my Scarlet Street blouses from Able Grable.
I had a shoot with my partner Nicholas Gray in Bananastudio in Newcastle-upon-Tyne and we had some fun and got some insanely colourful shots of me rocking my blouse. And I thought I would just share some with you.

I teamed my blouses with frilly panties from Lulu & Lush and What Katie Did and Hair Accessories from Flamingo Amy, Sighs and Whispers and Wandering Gypsy Couture.
After I shot all my blouses we also done a few implied nude here is my favourite, it looks kinda 90's but I really like it.
I had a shoot with my partner Nicholas Gray in Bananastudio in Newcastle-upon-Tyne and we had some fun and got some insanely colourful shots of me rocking my blouse. And I thought I would just share some with you.

I teamed my blouses with frilly panties from Lulu & Lush and What Katie Did and Hair Accessories from Flamingo Amy, Sighs and Whispers and Wandering Gypsy Couture.
After I shot all my blouses we also done a few implied nude here is my favourite, it looks kinda 90's but I really like it.

Dang!!! Sexy!
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